To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.

Dear God

Hi God! 8/27/10
So I go back to school tomorrow, and I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for letting me have a summer that was quite wonderful. You did a lot in me, for me, and through me. Thank you. It was eventful, hard, beautiful, funny, outrageous, tiring, and relaxing. I had a wonderful time just being, and I am glad you are my friend. Thank you for your blessings and your guidance and your protection. You do far more than I could ever see, and I know that; I am grateful for that. You are truly a wonderful God. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for all that you have done, and for each day that you bless me with life. I am grateful (even when I'm not). You are beautiful beyond compare. Thank you for being a touchable God, who I can know. You love me (sometimes I wonder HOW you could still love me after I'm being a punk :) ). So I guess as I drive down, come ride with me. We will have some quality time since my days have been SO busy. But seriously, they have been awesome days, and even though they cause me to not have the most quality time with you, I know that you were with me as I worked, or played, or talked. You blessed my days, thank you for letting me enjoy them! I know this school year will be great too! I'm excited for my classes and what I'll learn through my teachers, and what YOU will attach onto what they say (you elaborate so much! It's great!). Thank you for my friends, they are so wonderful. Thank you for my family, I love them a lot! Thank you for allowing me to see my cousins and be a part of their lives. Protect them. Keep cleaning Kristin (HOW INCREDIBLE WAS THAT?!?! Amazing!!). Keep those I love (you know who, and you know what). Let me and Carisma have a great relationship this semester which pushes each other to be more like you.
God, I love you so much. Thank you for being my friend.

Love Always,


Adam Paul said...

See, He knows what you need, He's looking out for you, and He listens to you and answers your prayers!

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