To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.

Doomed to repeat

It's hard to watch the very kids who hated Christians growing up, turn into exactly what they hated: Christian Hypocrites.

Today, we are the Church. What kind of Church are we being? We can't blame it on "those people" anymore. If you are a Christian and you're a legal adult, congratulations: you're either part of the solution or part of the problem. There is no "Them" anymore; it's just YOU. YOU ARE the Church.

What we hated growing up: the lying, the two faced living, the stingy, hateful, divisive, gossipy people that called themselves Christians.

Many of us said, I'd rather be with the unsaved! But now that YOU'RE saved, who are you? Are you what you hated? Are you facilitating the "problems" in the Church?

Are you what I hated growing up? Are you all talk and no walk? Do you divide? Do you live crazy?

Do you reflect an accurate representation of Jesus? Are you TRYING to?

Who do you really serve? Who do you really love?

God grant us the grace to be the people that truly love and serve you; growing in love for others; learning to be more like your son.

The advocates that I put my hope get eaten up one by one. It's almost like this invisible force is going after them in particular to make sure that their voice is silenced and their influence never reaches this world


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