To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.


The is randomness, and I'm trying to put it together within 20 minutes before class.

Sonam Pervase.

He made me cry. But I'm not sure why.

He is a missionary to the Northern India mountain people, mostly Buddhists.
He just told his story
What got to me:
-when he was on the mountain side and cried: "Whatever you want me to do God! Just give me one! Just give me one person to disciple" because it was so difficult to get just even one person
-When he was at work in Japan. God told him to leave the job. And he looked around "you've been faithful here" and he had shared the gospel to every person there. His work was done. Even at a job, it is an in to missions
-The persecution he and his family is under. Ridiculous persecution and hate.



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