To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.


In any order

1) I want to be able to say "no" to people (in circumstances where it is appropriate to do so), when I don't want to do something, so matter who it is.

2) I want to kill my pride

3) When someone asks me to do/play something, I want to do it even if I'm insecure about my ability

4) I want to be able to make a fool out of myself and not care.

5) I want to be able to trust people, and their ability to be trustworthy

6) I want to be able to trust authority and that they have my best interest in mind, and that I don't have to make sure I get taken care of.

7) I want to trust God.

8) I want my default belief to be that people care about me, and that they want me around (this has less to do with my friends and more to do with strangers or acquaintances)


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