To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.

Purposeful Procrastination

In a few short hours, my last paper will be due. I will submit this paper between a test I probably won't study for and my freedom. However, in the mean time, I was praying as I often (but not often enough do). I was listening to some lovely Interface, and pondering on God. I was praying to Him, but as my mind seems to wander sometimes, I let it....I was actually praying in the first place one, because I wanted to and two, because I'm writing a sermon. (I have no idea how to write a sermon.)
But I remembered the quote from Hook, "To live would be an awfully big adventure." I wanted to keep it, so I looked it up so I would keep it correctly.
Therefore, google brought me to a blog which had this quote as their title.
Being easily distracted, I read a few of her posts.
They were delicious.
I appreciated them very much and the humor was delightful.
I love reading the thoughts of others.
Therefore, I decided to follow her blog.
Today, I have become the proud follower of "To live would be an awfully big adventure"
Thank you, humanity, for being a very entertaining and insightful bunch.


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