To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.


passive |ˈpasiv|adjective1 accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance : the women were portrayed as passive victims.Chemistry (of a metal) made unreactive by a thin inert surface layer of oxide.(of a circuit or device) containing no source of electromotive force.(of radar or a satellite) receiving or reflecting radiation from a transmitter or target rather than generating its own signal.2 Grammar denoting or relating to a voice of verbs in which the subject undergoes the action of the verb (e.g., they were killed as opposed to he killed them). The opposite ofactive .

Passive. Active.
Accepting or allowing what happens or what others doWithout Response Without Resistance

When the subject UNDERGOES the action... the opposite being "active" when the subject DOES the action... or passive?
My dad was a rather passive man; my mom was very active.This became troublesome to me in my youth.I feel it now, sometimes, with people.They will allow me to do what I please without resistance or response.Even if I am wrong in doing it.Even if I KNOW I am out of line.Yet there is no responseThere is no resistance.Generally, I am good at keeping myself in line.But sometimes my mood changes; sometimes circumstances change.I change, but it doesn't seem like people notice.Which is fine.It's better if they didn't notice.
But then I find that they do...notice.I find that they have been...affected.But they said nothing.They didn't respond.They didn't resist.Passive.Maybe, they would say something.Maybe, they weren't ready yet.Maybe, they were just waiting to see....Maybe
What makes this passivity, I wonder?Fear?Indifference?Wonder?Respect?
My father was passive; my mother was active.I know there are things that confused my dad; hurt him even. But he never said a thing.My mother saw changes; saw things that may not be right. But she called it out for what it was; ask about it; stopped it. She changed things; clarified things.Active leads; Passive allows.
Sometimes passivity or activity is something that's taught.It is learned; it is part of one's culture.
But I for one want to be an active person.Internal Locus of Control.Internal Locus of Responsibility.I am not a victim of FateI am not a victim of PeopleI am not a victim of SocietyGod shapes my FutureAnd He is a good GodHe is the only one to FearYet, perfect love casts out the fear that is unhealthyRespect and Reverential "fear" is all that's leftWith God, I can make a DifferenceWith God, I can Change thingsI don't have to allow itI can resist

I am disappointed when I find that people noticed change, and it bothered them. But they were silent.Eventually, I notice it too. I wish I didn't have to be the one to talk first, although I was not the first to see. I wish the people that could influence wouldn't stay passiveI wish people would Speak upStand upChange things.
I wish they would Resistor at least bring it to light for discussion
I am always encouraged by people who see needs and are moved to change things.Taking the intiative.To fight for what's right.To protect the weak.To stand up for truth.
I wish we wouldn't AllowI wish we would ResistI wish we would Influence
I wish we would CARE


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