To the Depths


This Is Me. Enjoy.

Passivity: Take Two

After reflecting on what I wrote first, I found a flaw
Yes, a flaw.

There a different types of passivity. All which I dislike. However, someone can be active in one area and passive in another.

Let's discuss my family.
I said, "my mother was active, my father was passive."
Yes. In having to do with discipline, this is true.
But emotionally, they were both passive.
I wasn't the most outgoing child.
A lot of times, I kept to myself.
I stayed in my head; alone with my thoughts.
I was a depressed little child and I was very private.
I felt completely invisible.
People want to be seen.
People want to be fought for.
People want to be noticed.

It's true, perhaps they don't want to talk about it.
Perhaps they really don't trust that you care.
But the fact that you noticed means a lot.
But how would they know unless you said something?
I was invisible.
Sometimes I still feel invisible.
There's a lot of pain in this world.
There's a lot of hurt.
But I think Acknowledgment of that hurt and pain
Is the First step.
People need to know that they are noticed.
But many times people never ask.
For a variety of reasons, they don't ask.
And the person continues in life
Thinking they are invisible.
They believe no one sees and no one cares
And it's reenforced by passivity.
No one speaks up on their behalf.
No one does anything.

I had an overwhelming desire as a child to be known.
In youth group.
At home.
In class.
To be known.
But I was unable to talk about myself: I didn't think anyone cared to hear.
Questions were the catalyst for me to open up.
Yet, not many ever asked.
Perhaps they didn't care to.
Perhaps they believed I would open up when I was ready.
Perhaps they didn't notice.

My parents never asked.
My mom noticed things were wrong with me.
I know this because we've talked about it now that I am more talkative.
She never knew how to deal with me.
She never knew how to make me open up.
So instead, she left me alone, in a sense.
She was with me, around me, loved me, but she never asked.
Maybe once in a while a "what's wrong with you?" would surface
But never a "you look sad today, what's the matter?"
Sometimes I would lie.
Sometimes I would say "nothings wrong"
But she knew I was lying.
She never called me on it.
She allowed me to do what I wanted.
Perhaps that's the right thing to do.
Perhaps it is my own fault that I lied.
I know today, I try very hard not to lie in this manner, because I do only have myself to blame if people believe me.
But what about others?
What about children?
I believe every person has a desire to be known.
I believe that people who want to be known but can't get it for themselves, leave hints.
Many times these same people will sabotage/contradict these cries to be seen.
You know these students: the hard ones, the intimidating ones, the silent ones, the lying ones, the fake ones, the downcast ones, the closed ones.

They simply want acknowledgement
Yet, because they are difficult, they are many times overlooked.
I've found that being straight forward, heals a lot.
The truth is a beautiful thing.
To call a person out on their sabotage, on their contradictions, on their closed off-ness, shows that you've seen it.
That you've taken the time to notice.
And after you've been blunt, and still come back; that's when you've built a bridge.

You've stripped away their mask and their attempt to hide.
You've told them you see them and you care.
And even if they snub you at first, the fact that you've come back, means the world.
The consistency is key.

In youth group, there were only two leaders that ever knew my name.
These leaders were on a missions trip with me, and got to see me.
In youth on wednesday nights, I never had a leader come up and talk to me.
I was quiet, I was shy,
And I was hurting.
There is something about remembering a person's name that is powerful
There is something about remembering a person's face that is uplifting
There is something about including people that is moving
There is something about acknowledgment that is healing

Passivity has many general forms
But it means

accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance

Sometimes I believe being active in another person's life is resisting the very things that the persons says they want
I believe fighting for a person is sometimes fighting that person

When I was in junior high, I had to take a stupid class with my mom on parenting teenagers.
She's told me many times that she believes we were in that class for perhaps one phrase that changed her view of parenting teenagers.
Roughly, the idea was that during an argument or discussion or full on fight, a teenager may say very ugly and mean things. They may say "I hate you" or "You're a tyrant" or any number of generalized extremes.
But the key is to disregard the actual words the child is saying and to discover what they really mean. They are saying something that is significant, but the meaning has to be discovered because it is covered by emotion. So when they say "You're a tyrant I hate you" they may be saying, "I need to be with my friends sometimes and I feel like you don't trust me because you give me no freedom." As a parent, if you only listened to the words, you would feel disrespected, hurt, and offended. The problem would never be solved. But since teenagers are not yet able to express themselves in mature forms, we as adults who are more developed, must translate for them in order to solve the problem
I believe this principle should be applied to Christians.
I don't believe it is right to take anyone (non-christian especially) at face value.
{This is generally meaning, don't assume that you know}
Because of walls, because of cultural differences, because of silence, because of hurt, people are saying words that only hint at their real meaning.
It is our job to read between the lines. Our job is to go deeper than words, down to the heart.
By God's grace and power, we need to truly see people.
We need to look beyond the words, the attitudes, and the masks, to see what's really going on.
Christ saw into the inner man.
He saw the Pharisees for what they really were,
and he saw the Samaritan woman for what she really was.
And he called it out.
He didn't allow them to stay comfortable.
He didn't allow them to hide.
And that's when change happened.
The status quo was destroyed.
Something new HAD to happen.
He was Active.

We need to see.
We need to call it out for what it is.
We need to make people a little uncomfortable.
We need to shake things up.
We need to be people who are Active.
We can't settle for the Status Quo.

Ms. Dana

Ok Ms Dana!

So I was chewing on this whole, intimidation/fear/shy/whatever thing I feel towards people sometimes and since I like writing and you seem like a procrastinator (sometimes) you may enjoy reading my random thoughts as I work this through. If you're busy, read this later; it's for pleasure, not for work. Use it as a break from....anything that you need a break from, I suppose.

Talking with you today was the first time I had really thought about my feelings/attitude toward Elyse for a while, and I've continued for a bit right now. Here are some of my thoughts (written as I think, not as an academic essay).
So I'm just gonna give you the whole truth as I've begun to understand it. I feel very protective of Elyse, actually. I really care about her, and it matters to me what happens to her in her life. I feel much closer to her than I believe our relationship warrants, and I think that makes me insecure of what to do or how to be. This may be in part because Colby (one of my best friends, and her ex-boyfriend) talks very highly of her, because my own experience with her makes me like her, or maybe a dozen other reasons I am unaware of. Either way, I care a lot about her, and I will probably care about her life long after I leave being around her. What's funny is that because of this, I don't know how to act, since I KNOW we don't have a relationship. So if I could bless her life anonymously, that would be my favorite option. I actually have significant things for her, to help bless her, but I don't want to give it to her outright because I really have no reason to care as much as I do. I would very much just like to put it in her mail box and leave.
But this is not the first time I felt this way towards a person. Especially in Master's, I would see guys and girls all the time who I would have very strong ties to and concern for, but may have ZERO relationship with them. And forever I will care what happens in their life, and I would do anything to make sure they succeed. There was one boy, Brock, who I saw on a trip our Master's did. For some reason, I "saw" him and I've always cared for him, prayed for him, and believed in him. When he ended up coming to Master's, I watched him, cared for him like he was family, but never had the opportunity to build a relationship with him (since guys and girls have a no-dating covenant their first year in Master's which pretty much limits contact with the opposite sex to zero). But even now, two years later, it really matters to me what happens to him. I still pray for him, still believe in him, and still really care about him. Something the other day made me think of him, and I almost sent him a message over facebook just to encourage him; I decided against it (so far) because, like I said, I have zero relationship with him. So I've been praying for him instead.
It's like I have "favorites," or God just ties my heart to specific people, that no matter if I ever talk to them, or if they hurt me, they will always have my loyalty and my care. Those people will always be a part of MY family, but I am not (always) a part of THEIR family, if that makes sense. Sometimes I get the privilege of really impacting, pouring into, discipling, encouraging, supporting those people that God allows me to "see." And I am free to express my concern/care/encouragement whenever I please or they need. However, with those that I don't have a relationship, but still feel this strongly toward, I think I get a bit confused. I do this too with friends of friends (example: I feel strongly towards one of Faitth's guy friends because he is a huge part of her life, but he has no clue who I am!). I feel like I can talk to them like I've known them forever, but in reality, I am a stranger to them. There was one guy I met in hobbs when I went to visit, I had never met him before that trip but after a few hours of watching him, I knew him like the back of my hand. God even told me to encourage him, which I did at length. When he came to school this year, he acted rather strangely towards me. I thought maybe I had offended him or made him feel uncomfortable (which would make sense due to the nature of our lengthy deep conversation we had 5 months before where I basically read his mail) due to his body language. So I asked him about it. Turns out he didn't even remember who I was! How awkward! And yet it was slightly relieving, I was kinda glad he didn't remember. So, although I still care about his growth and maturity, I know that (unless I feel led to say something specific) I really have no grounds to be as comfortable/chummy around him as I would be naturally inclined to do. Obviously, I'm still friendly and polite if I see him, but I don't expect him to treat me as a friend- we aren't; we are strangers really.
Maybe that's why I use cues from other people to gauge how to act. "I've met you once and I know a bit about your family. Does that mean we are friends? Acquaintances? Strangers? Were you just being polite and humoring me with answers, or did we actually connect and have a foundation to build a relationship off of? Do you make eye contact with me? Wave? Say hi back? Do you even remember my face? Should I even care? Uhhh forget it! Too much work, I'll just do whatever I feel like, when I want"....and all of this goes through my head so automatically that I don't usually even notice I do this unless I think about it (like now).
So that's my book. I hope it's been an entertaining jaunt into my mind and a much needed break from reality. This will probably go into my journal now for future reference because this is all new.

Mmmmk, that is all


passive |ˈpasiv|adjective1 accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance : the women were portrayed as passive victims.Chemistry (of a metal) made unreactive by a thin inert surface layer of oxide.(of a circuit or device) containing no source of electromotive force.(of radar or a satellite) receiving or reflecting radiation from a transmitter or target rather than generating its own signal.2 Grammar denoting or relating to a voice of verbs in which the subject undergoes the action of the verb (e.g., they were killed as opposed to he killed them). The opposite ofactive .

Passive. Active.
Accepting or allowing what happens or what others doWithout Response Without Resistance

When the subject UNDERGOES the action... the opposite being "active" when the subject DOES the action... or passive?
My dad was a rather passive man; my mom was very active.This became troublesome to me in my youth.I feel it now, sometimes, with people.They will allow me to do what I please without resistance or response.Even if I am wrong in doing it.Even if I KNOW I am out of line.Yet there is no responseThere is no resistance.Generally, I am good at keeping myself in line.But sometimes my mood changes; sometimes circumstances change.I change, but it doesn't seem like people notice.Which is fine.It's better if they didn't notice.
But then I find that they do...notice.I find that they have been...affected.But they said nothing.They didn't respond.They didn't resist.Passive.Maybe, they would say something.Maybe, they weren't ready yet.Maybe, they were just waiting to see....Maybe
What makes this passivity, I wonder?Fear?Indifference?Wonder?Respect?
My father was passive; my mother was active.I know there are things that confused my dad; hurt him even. But he never said a thing.My mother saw changes; saw things that may not be right. But she called it out for what it was; ask about it; stopped it. She changed things; clarified things.Active leads; Passive allows.
Sometimes passivity or activity is something that's taught.It is learned; it is part of one's culture.
But I for one want to be an active person.Internal Locus of Control.Internal Locus of Responsibility.I am not a victim of FateI am not a victim of PeopleI am not a victim of SocietyGod shapes my FutureAnd He is a good GodHe is the only one to FearYet, perfect love casts out the fear that is unhealthyRespect and Reverential "fear" is all that's leftWith God, I can make a DifferenceWith God, I can Change thingsI don't have to allow itI can resist

I am disappointed when I find that people noticed change, and it bothered them. But they were silent.Eventually, I notice it too. I wish I didn't have to be the one to talk first, although I was not the first to see. I wish the people that could influence wouldn't stay passiveI wish people would Speak upStand upChange things.
I wish they would Resistor at least bring it to light for discussion
I am always encouraged by people who see needs and are moved to change things.Taking the intiative.To fight for what's right.To protect the weak.To stand up for truth.
I wish we wouldn't AllowI wish we would ResistI wish we would Influence
I wish we would CARE

The Fruitless Life

This is a vent, just so you know. So I've been doing quite a bit of soul searching for a little while now, with the focus in the area of evangelism. How do we do it? How do I do it? There is a lost and dying world, and what am I doing about it? Is my life bearing fruit?
Now when I search for answers, I am much more aware when people speak on the topic. I open myself up to really hear what they have to say because they may have the key to what I am searching for.
However, with this, the more I hear, the more confused I become. It seems that each teacher has a different perspective on the way it should be done, or even the way JESUS did it.
I am growing to hate messages that push evangelism simply because I feel so thoroughly confused afterward. Some people seem to take the "in your face" approach (which I am not really able to do), others take the "relational" approach (which would be fine, but I seem to make no impact in my friendships for Christ). Others take the "felt need" approach (perhaps that one will work, and as a Social worker I may get that opportunity, but if I'm in a secular organization, we aren't allowed to talk about Christ. So if their felt need is taken care of but they still don't come to Christ, what good did you do?).
All I know is that one of God's highest priorities is to seek and save the lost. That should be MY highest priority then too. And yet, my life is fruitless. Yes, fruitless. I feel the weight of the lost, and yet I seem incapable of bringing them the Good News. Awesome.
So the speakers talk about GOING! Isaiah wasn't called, he volunteered! So volunteer to go reach the dying world!
Yep, check! Did that. I'm willing to go and do whatever you want. I'm trying to figure out HOW. Do I stand on a soap box and preach? Well, that's too offensive! Do I just love people? Great! I can do that...I DO do that, and yet THERE IS NO FRUIT. What's the problem? Am I missing something? Do I have to go to another country to see fruit? Is fruit just not what I am supposed to produce? Well that seems dumb.
Over and over again they tell me, billions are going to hell. Who will save them? Won't you go? And over and over again, I look at my life and what I have done...and it seems fruitless, in the sense of salvations. Am I just called to discipleship? To take those that are saved and disciple them? "Everyone's called to evangelism!"
So what am I missing God? Am I just preparing at this point? Is it even OK to be preparing and not seeing fruit? I am willing! I am willing to go anywhere do anything for however long you want it. So do I just go SOMEWHERE and hopefully it works out? Or do I wait for your go ahead? I would think the second, but other's say the first too.
I hate this! Can't I just live for you?...I have been....but there's no something is amiss.
What does an evangelistic life look like for me?
Who am I to listen to and believe?
So many people die without knowing you and I'm doing nothing. Are you ok with me preparing and THEN going? Can I afford to wait? Others can't afford it. It's all so urgent, but I am desperately searching for an outlet and cannot find one. Where is it? Where do I plug in? Where do I pour out? Where is my niche? There's no time to waste. This isn't a game. I've volunteered, when is it my time to go?
The Fruitless Life

Food For Thought

(The response to Tyler Halstead's discussion of Christians Working in Bars. Facebook note)

Well this is certainly all interesting to read. Good theories. I would lean much more strongly with Abe, Brian, and Bryner. It's true, we must fight in uncomfortable and dangerous territory sometimes. Yes, we must rescue people right from the gates of hell. But I don't think that we, as Christians, can afford to blur the line between the church (the body of christ, a royal priesthood, a holy nation 1 peter 2:9) and the world. There must be a fierce distinction between the light and the dark because that's how it's intended. They can't coexist really, they are so violently opposed to one another.

Jonah was sent to Ninevah to tell the people to REPENT or JUDGEMENT would follow. He didn't pass out more idols or work in the temples and talk on the side of how God wasn't ok with such things. He told them REPENT of all this or you WILL BE DESTROYED. God is VIOLENTLY opposed to sin. He wants to destroy it. I don't think that the church can afford to forget that God is a God of mercy AND of judgement.

And we must not forget that WE are accountable for anything that could cause another to sin. Perhaps a good example to follow in grey areas like this would be Paul. Even if EATING MEAT would cause someone to sin HE WOULD NEVER EAT MEAT AGAIN (1 cor. 8:13). How DRASTIC this would seem to us. So I would think this could be extended to..."If serving beer to my friend would cause him to sin I WOULD NEVER SERVE BEER AGAIN" or "if I watch that movie and it causes them to sin..." or "if I listen to that crude joke (which doesn't bother me) which then allows my brother to think that's ok and sin...then may I never listen to a crude joke again!"

But personally, a lot of my friends drink and some are alcoholics. They know what I stand for and they watch me when I say "no" to a night at the bar, or "no" when they offer me a drink. Yes, some may think poorly of me, judging me quickly and saying I'm too good for them, or too self-righteous. I've never preached at them, but they know I don't agree with it by the fact that I decline the offer and explain why when they ask. The fact that I don't agree or condone with what they are doing offends them and makes them uncomfortable so they like to make all sorts of excuses to make themselves feel better. Others of my friends see that I am choosing something different and respect me for it. It's a clear line that separates me from this world (In it, not of it).

But frankly, if my sister were an alcoholic it would be wrong for me to give her a beer. So what's the difference if I were being paid for giving the beer and I was giving it to a "stranger?" Isn't that person my sister too? Doesn't that still make it wrong (whether I FEEL like it's wrong or not)? In actuality, I would probably tell my sister that she SHOULDN'T be in a bar getting a drink, and I would tell the bartender NOT to serve her. And she would get mad and yell at me and call me all sorts of names. But if I love my sister enough to tell her the truth and do what's best for her (even if she doesn't like it), shouldn't I also do that for a stranger? Shouldn't I love them like I would my brother or sister? Isn't that BIBLICAL?

Furthermore, if I knew a fellow believer was ENABLING my sister to continue living a lifestyle of sin and death by serving her alcohol, I would not be happy. That would actually deeply hurt me. And I would have some STRONG words with that person (since that person is my brother/sister in christ too and shouldn't be enabling their sister to continue her walk away from God).

But let's extend this to other grey areas:
Bar: you serve beer. It's the person's choice whether they get drunk or not and therefore sin. I can talk to them about Jesus if they ask.
Strip club: you dance. It's the man's choice whether or not they come in and look lustfully. I can talk to them about Jesus if they ask.
Abortion clinic: you counsel young girls or you are the doctor who preforms the abortion. It's grey whether or not it's murder, and it's the girls choice to have it or not. I'm there for them in a time of need, they would do it anyway, I'll talk about Jesus if they ask for it.

There's a better way to build relationships with people than to serve them the very addiction that is killing them
There's a better way to support people through tough times than to offer them a quick escape that only leads to death

After what Jesus did to the money-changers' tables, I can't quite picture him working in a bar.

And how would the "sinner" feel about you once they became saved and free from the addiction/pain/guilt? Would they thank you, or would they have to learn to forgive you for giving them the very thing that kept them chained?

Just food for thought. I know it's long.

"If you've never wanted to quite, then you've never attempted anything great.

If you've ever attempted anything great for a long period, you'll want to quit"
Tommy Barnett

Dear God

Hi God! 8/27/10
So I go back to school tomorrow, and I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for letting me have a summer that was quite wonderful. You did a lot in me, for me, and through me. Thank you. It was eventful, hard, beautiful, funny, outrageous, tiring, and relaxing. I had a wonderful time just being, and I am glad you are my friend. Thank you for your blessings and your guidance and your protection. You do far more than I could ever see, and I know that; I am grateful for that. You are truly a wonderful God. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for all that you have done, and for each day that you bless me with life. I am grateful (even when I'm not). You are beautiful beyond compare. Thank you for being a touchable God, who I can know. You love me (sometimes I wonder HOW you could still love me after I'm being a punk :) ). So I guess as I drive down, come ride with me. We will have some quality time since my days have been SO busy. But seriously, they have been awesome days, and even though they cause me to not have the most quality time with you, I know that you were with me as I worked, or played, or talked. You blessed my days, thank you for letting me enjoy them! I know this school year will be great too! I'm excited for my classes and what I'll learn through my teachers, and what YOU will attach onto what they say (you elaborate so much! It's great!). Thank you for my friends, they are so wonderful. Thank you for my family, I love them a lot! Thank you for allowing me to see my cousins and be a part of their lives. Protect them. Keep cleaning Kristin (HOW INCREDIBLE WAS THAT?!?! Amazing!!). Keep those I love (you know who, and you know what). Let me and Carisma have a great relationship this semester which pushes each other to be more like you.
God, I love you so much. Thank you for being my friend.

Love Always,

Dear Geo.

I'm sorry, but if you really knew what was going on in the world, you would easily see that this is probably the most dramatic time in all of history. The weapons are much more than pens, sadly, and the villains are much MUCH more than the "blood thirsty capitalists" as some may like to call them. What rose-colored glasses we must have on our faces if we look at history with a sense of nostalgia. The things that changed the world in the past came at a high, terrible, and heart-breaking cost. The gains of today are also being made with a high price, but not with the glamorous tint that can only be applied to it with time, and only seen in retrospect.

Change is not pretty, and history is not made pleasantly. It must be had, to be sure, but it comes at a high price. Societal change comes in the dredges. Most people will never read about it in the newspapers….most people won't read much about anything truthful in newspapers nowadays.

I think if we really knew about other countries, what kind of greed, misfortune, hate, and death was happening else where in the world, we wouldn't be so quick to judge our own nation so harshly. Yes, she is flawed, but she has her beauty too. For the time being, although I'm not sure for how much longer, we are able to shape our nation and make her the way we want. So what are we doing? Are we aware of our surroundings? Do we know what is being decided around us? It is OUR future they are deciding, do we know what that future looks like as it is being sketched out today? And if it is not what we want….what are we willing to do about it? What am I, Emilie Holmes, going to do about it? Am I going to sit and complain, then go to work and come how and watch TV and complain some more? Or am I going to change things? On a large scale and a small!

If we all wait for our generation to stand up and do something, we will all end up…waiting. So I intend to give my life. I refuse to live my life without having sacrificed at least a part of it. I don't want to live for myself and the things that I want, and I am NOT waiting for others to follow. Honestly, the people of this world are bleeding out. They are dying. Our world is dying from disease, hunger, apathy, greed, hatred, war and many other things. So who do we blame? How do we fix it?

I would suggest that social justice is fine, but it is not the end goal. Equality is nice, but it isn't the destination. I would say greed and hatred, capitalism and socialism, are the tools but they are not the villains. Our problem lies much deeper than politics and our solution is much more lasting than food.

I would pose to you that our problem is humanity, and our solution is Christ. Food, clothing, clean water, and peace only go so far. To fix these problems may stop the immediate bleeding of humanity, but that simply defers the inevitable. Death is certain. For what good is it for man to gain the whole world if in the end he loses his soul? In my humble view, it would seem that the point (at least for a follower of Christ) of Social Justice (or changing the world), would not be to just stop the bleeding (fix hunger, give clean water, have peace), but to stop the bleeding long enough to give the cure to the DISEASE. And the Disease, I would also propose, is not capitalism or socialism or greed or money or war, but it is our human nature. And in this world, EVERYONE IS INFECTED, not just the rich.

I am a social worker who doesn't believe in social justice. I am not going to give my life so you have the ability to live long enough to be greedy, or have the opportunity to shove someone else down. I am going to give my life in order to stop the bleeding long enough to give you the only cure that will save you forever. It's the only hope I have. I have food, water, clothes, and relative peace. I live comfortably, but that is all for NOTHING if I don't have Christ. The point of my life is not Social Justice, it is Discipleship. So that's what I'M going to do. I'm going to go out and make disciples, wherever I go. And if I change ONE life, man, that's pretty fricken sweet. I'm living the best adventure I could ever dream of, and it is INCREDIBLY exciting. It will never be picked up by the newspapers, but I KNOW that my life makes a difference, and I don't plan to stop any time soon.

Times they are a changing

Time Flies

I'm twenty Two.
I still feel like I'm 12.
Nevertheless, i need to remember and live like time is ending soon…because it is.
By American standards, I have lived about 1/4 of my life already. I have about 3/4s to go…God willing.
What have I done so far?
This is an everlasting concern of mine, since I want my life to make a difference. Sometimes, I am happy with my outcomes…sometimes, I am not.What I do know, is that I need to get out of the house more.I am a homebody. I like to be at home, relaxing, learning, reading, being, whatever. Generally it's just laziness, sometimes it is necessary.I went for a walk today to think up sermons for my missions trip to India. What's difficult is that I have no idea about that culture (for the most part). I have no idea what they struggle with, what they fear, how the interact, what they need. Save for the basics of humanity, I know nothing about them and their culture. How do you speak and impact people you know nothing about? I guess this is the "relevance" that teens always cry that adults lack. This "relevance" I lack too.
So I walked.God is a big God. And the struggles may be different, but He is the same. The Bible and it's truths transcend time, and space, and culture. It is important for me to remember that. The Truth will impact anyone anywhere

As I walked around my circle, I realized (as I do every time) that I have no idea who my neighbors are. I have no idea who they are, what their names are (for the most part), what they need, what their story is. And sadly, I doubt they know little to anything about me.
I always hid behind my parents. I am shy by nature and an observer, so I tend to stand behind the ones in charge and allow them to do the talking. I've always been this way.
However, I am twenty two years old. I am an adult. Everyone is my equal. No one is better or worse than I am. I'm not alittle kid anymore, and if I want to do what God wants me to do, I have to suck it up and (pretend) to be an adult. I'm not going to ever feel my age, I'm not ever going to want to go meet people, or introduce myself. I will never feel like I am able, I will never feel as if it's my place. I just got to do it.

When I live on my own, I want to know my neighbors. I'll get that chance soon.
It makes me wonder what's my niche in this life, in this place, where I'm at. How do I show God to people here, where I can't preach, or teach, or disciple. I'm not an evangelist but I'm called to make disciples. How do we do that?I love my friends. They teach me so much. Each one has specific talents, gifts, and abilities which challenge me. Toni has been an extreme example of how to love everyday. She finds practical ways to show people she loves them, not because she should, but because she really DOES love them. Her heart and spirit are an example to me of how to live in an EveryDay manner: seeing people, showing them you care. But it doesn't work unless you really do care.
Each one of my friends is an example to me.

Becky, she's the one everybody loves. Seriously, everybody! I'm not quite sure how she does it, but there is a draw in her that just attracts people. She has her ups and downs, but that makes her more endearing, more lovable, and people follow her. She is not the "obvious" leader, but boy does she lead. She is probably the humblest person I have ever met, and it's amazing that she really has no idea how amazing she is! She is for real, and I absolutely love that about her. Genuine in her struggles and her victories. She tries. She embraces that she isn't perfect, but she tries. I love watching Becky. She is soo funny, but has much wisdom,
and is so teachable. I have loved watching her gain her voice-she has a lot in her to share, and it is much needed.

Kristy is a mighty woman of God. I am so blessed to be a part of her life. I am located closer to her and it's amazing to share in her experiences and watch her grow. She challenges me in her faith and love for God. It is simple and pure, but it is so deep. She is a woman of prayer and of perseverance. An
d watching that grow and deepen and develop keeps me humble. She is shy, and quiet to those who don't know her well, but she is loud, vibrant, and so chatty when you know her. She is wonderful!

Carrie, wow. I think from when I met her to now, she has changed the most…well maybe not "changed" but opened up and really come into her own. That girls got wisdom, a quick wit, a keen mind, and a kind spirit. She is feisty, but man, she i
s a mom to those who need one-a young, hip and cool mom, but mothering noneth
eless. Girls are drawn to her, they need what she has. She is challenging and honest, but in it all she is gentle and kind. I still don't understand how someone so feisty and sharp can be so gentle and sweet; it's a
balance I have seen few people accomplish with such grace as Carrie. If I could define her in one word, it would be that: Grace.

Oh and then there is Abbey. Abbey….I don't even know where to begin with her. She has a life inside of her that is contagious. She is an upper, even when she is down. When she is frustrated, she is encouraging. I really don't know how she does it. She is charismatic, inviting, and gorgeous. She was my leader, and the style she had taught me so much. She has taught me so so so much! And her laugh is contagious. She is just life-pure and vulnerable.

Carisma and Priscila are new additions to my family of friends. I have been so extremely blessed to have been able to connect with them at school. Carisma, strong, beautiful, feisty in her own right, playful, and godly. Her strength is incredible but it comes out so softly. She's see
n a lot of things, been a lot of places, and it shows. It shows in her knowing looks, and her understanding eyes. She is beautiful, not just physically, but her being-who she is-is very beautiful. I am so glad I'll be living with her. True, we might have our occasional fights, but I respect her deeply. And Priscila, what a gentle, kind, beautiful girl. Man, she is so incredibly sweet. I trust her. I trust her very much and respect her too. The character that she continually chooses to have is one that I greatly admire and respect. She has a dignity and grace to her that is shy and inviting, but she is terribly strong. She has been through a lot and has come out for the better.

And then there is Adam. My life is a movie, and it's due to this man. He is first my friend, and now I also call him my boyfriend. I really can't think of another man that I respect as much as him. Honestly…I'm even trying to think of one. He is a strange person, incredibly funny especially when he isn't trying. He definitely keeps me entertained. But more than that, he challenges that crud out of me. The amo
unt that he is grown in the years that I have known him is astounding. Like Carrie, he is coming into his own-getting comfortable in his skin. He is a man of God, and I respect him immensely. He is both an upfront leader, but also one in the shadows. He is incredibly humble. He cares so much for the people around him, but it doesn't stop at just words, an idea, or an emotion-he serves them. Watching his life, just his daily normal non-special actions, convict me. I think he is probably the most thoughtful, observant person I have ever met. See a need-fill a need is probably a good description of his life. And he does it without complaint, without want of recognition, without need of anything in return. His life makes me want to serve people. I've actually gotten better at observing the needs around me after spending time around Adam. He, like Toni, practically love the people around them. And man, he loves God-sold out, all out for God. He loves God to the point where it hurts. No matter what, no matter where, he will follow God, and that quality is very rare. That kind of character is rare. He has gifting and talents in him that haven't even been touched yet, and I am so excited for his life. SO excited. And I count it my honor and blessing that he would want to share it with me. I would follow him, and with men, that is a rare thing for me to say. I trust him, and would follow his decision.
I have many friends, but I was just thinking of these few people in specific-there are so many more that have challenged me and made me better, it would be impossible to name them all. I hope that one day, I can be like them. The God tha
t is inside them is so attractive. I have so far to go, so much to learn, but I suppose I just hope that my life is attractive, like theirs is. Because, they'd be the first to say, it's not them it's Jesus. If they read this they would shake their heads, maybe give me a polite thank you, and quickly spout 9 things that they could be better in. But its been my privilege to see what's coming out of them, and the fruit is good. I guess those that are doing good, will never fully see all the good that they do, because really, it's Christ in them. I love them very much, and their lives have blessed me and made me better.

I want to find my niche in this life. Even if I had a dead end job, was never in the spot light, never went to another country, I want to be able to live and love where I'm at. But I have no idea how to do such a thing.
I was on an airplane coming back from Florida, and there was a girl who sat beside me. She was about my age and she loved Jesus, you could just tell. I felt a bond with her, that I've never really put my finger on with strangers. She was my sister…it was odd, but it's what I've felt a lot for my brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world. I pray and I weep and I love them because they are my family-even the people in India. I may not know them, but we are united in Christ and their struggles are my struggles. And with this girl on the plane, I FELT that bond. We didn't even chat for very long before she started reading her book and I fell asleep, but she really was family. Mine was hers and vice versa. I had food and I offered it to her, not out of politeness, but because why wouldn't I? I offer
ed it with the same heart and desire, that I would Kristy, or Toni or anyone who is dear to my heart. It was strange because I had never felt it so poignant. It was wonderful!

I suppose that time ticks on. On and On it goes, and I don't want to wait. I want to live and love wherever I'm at. How? I don't quite know. I'm not a preacher, I'm not an evangelist. I don't know how to bring up Jesus in a confrontational manner that will get them saved. But I can serve, and I can care. I can fill a need, and be hospitable. I can smile! I can serve and I can care. So daily, what does that look like? I have grea
t teachers, now I just need to get off my lazy butt and leave the house :)
So, Holy Spirit, how bout it? Help guide us and teach us, mold us and use us. Where you lead us, we will follow you. To wherever or whoever that will take us. My life is yours, do-or don't do-what you will. Spend my life as you see fit, and if that's moving files 9 hours a day with contact with only one other person, so be it. But help me to love that one person the way that you love them. If you want to take my life and multiply it and touch millions of other people, so be it. If you want to waste my life on nothing important, but simply as glory to your name, then let it be the most glorious nothing that this world has ever seen! If I pass away with no one knowing my name, I'll learn to be ok with that (just
being honest here). But please God, help me to love people, to make their life better, but ultimately help me point them to You, they need to
know You. You're the only thing that matters.
Time keeps moving. I have a few years left,
help me to live them wisely and with purpose.

Dear God

Dear God,
This school year has been an interesting time, but really good. Thank you for the vacation. Now, I'm done with finals and monday I'm heading off back home. Please, can this be a good summer? Can it be drama free and "new information" free? I just want to be happy, like Christmas break. I mean, I don't need much. It doesn't have to be an exciting summer, I don't have to grow, you don't have to do a whole lot (unless you want to). But please, at least for this summer, can it just be a good break-relaxing, uneventful maybe even a tad boring?

Love Always,

Purposeful Procrastination

In a few short hours, my last paper will be due. I will submit this paper between a test I probably won't study for and my freedom. However, in the mean time, I was praying as I often (but not often enough do). I was listening to some lovely Interface, and pondering on God. I was praying to Him, but as my mind seems to wander sometimes, I let it....I was actually praying in the first place one, because I wanted to and two, because I'm writing a sermon. (I have no idea how to write a sermon.)
But I remembered the quote from Hook, "To live would be an awfully big adventure." I wanted to keep it, so I looked it up so I would keep it correctly.
Therefore, google brought me to a blog which had this quote as their title.
Being easily distracted, I read a few of her posts.
They were delicious.
I appreciated them very much and the humor was delightful.
I love reading the thoughts of others.
Therefore, I decided to follow her blog.
Today, I have become the proud follower of "To live would be an awfully big adventure"
Thank you, humanity, for being a very entertaining and insightful bunch.

Rebellion Versus Boundaries

I am a rebellious person.

I have no boundaries.

Perhaps I am not as rebellious as I thought I was.

Maybe, when my "rebellion" came out, it was really people hitting the boundaries I should have had: should have stuck to.

In reading the book Boundaries, I have realized that I am a big fat push over in many areas where it is CRUCIAL to have boundaries.

Sometimes, it's right to say No (Granted there are better ways to say "no" than others, but you get the idea).

When I would say "No," I just thought I was being rebellious. "No, I don't actually want to do that." "No, I don't actually think that's right." In the end, I would always go along with it if it was decided upon, but I didn't agree with it. Therefore, I just figured that was all rebellion and I needed to calm it down.

Boundaries, unlike rebellion, are things which every person needs. I have found that in many areas I do not have them set up as I should. Because of this, I am worse off.

Rebellion is not something that is looked very kindly upon by God, in fact, it is likened to witchcraft. So what is it? At this point, I don't think I can trust myself to give an answer to that.

The dictionary says for the word "Rebel"


1.a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country.

2.a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition.


3.rebellious; defiant.

4.of or pertaining to rebels.

–verb (used without object)re·bel reject, resist, or rise in arms against one's government or ruler. resist or rise against some authority, control, or tradition. show or feel utter repugnance: His very soul rebelled at spanking the child.

This doesn't seem very helpful in my quest, however. I need to learn this lesson. Because, on the one hand, I'm learning assertiveness.

My goal was to be able to say NO in situations where it is appropriate to do so, when I really don't want to do whatever is asked not matter who asks me.

However, the kicker, is that I think there is a fair share of rebellion and pride in me that I think God wants to kill.

How do I know the difference between a boundary (a healthy time to say no), and rebellion (whatever that is)?


In any order

1) I want to be able to say "no" to people (in circumstances where it is appropriate to do so), when I don't want to do something, so matter who it is.

2) I want to kill my pride

3) When someone asks me to do/play something, I want to do it even if I'm insecure about my ability

4) I want to be able to make a fool out of myself and not care.

5) I want to be able to trust people, and their ability to be trustworthy

6) I want to be able to trust authority and that they have my best interest in mind, and that I don't have to make sure I get taken care of.

7) I want to trust God.

8) I want my default belief to be that people care about me, and that they want me around (this has less to do with my friends and more to do with strangers or acquaintances)

Epiphanies like Bowel Movements

"A DAY WITHOUT AN EPIPHANY IS LIKE A DAY WITHOUT A BOWEL MOVEMENT" Spluttered one of my favorite teachers. He was a tiny but huge man all rolled into Jewishness....and did I mention he was hairy? I mean, he practically wore a carpet on his arms...and I'm sure his back (but thank God that's only speculation). He would yell and scream, and sometimes we believed he would have a heart attack right in front of our eyes as he ranted and raved about politics or history (depending on this class). My parents believed he was a biased communist (which, to be fair, he probably was). However, despite his sometimes cutting remarks (calling an idea what it was, STUPID, and berating us not to be an idiot generation), we knew that he loved each and everyone one of us, and believed in us. He knew we could be better. He knew the key was for us to think for ourselves, so he played devil's advocate...with EVERYTHING. He would scream "WHAT IS YOUR EPIPHANY TODAY???" And if we didn't have one, he would practically have conniption. Some thought he was mean, but for those that really understood what he was doing and had a less "P.C." skin, we loved him...even when he continually forgot what he was saying (even during the middle of a rant), and especially when he cracked up on his own jokes (he told the DUMBEST jokes, but he always LOVED them, which made us love them). He remembers no one, but we remember him. And to him, I dedicate my epiphanies from the last two weeks, found in the midst of struggle, pain, and wandering.

Last week:
I am hidden. There is a good chance that nothing I do, the talents I have, who I am, will ever be famous or go farther than the people I directly come in contact with. If it does, that's God's business, but I will be a servant in the shadows. I am living for an audience of one, probably not to be in the spotlight (at least on purpose).

This week:
I will see Him in Heaven. If you read the previous blogs, I have been struggling with my overwhelming desire to have relationship with God. And not just praying. I want to LITERALLY see him (have Him come down in a palm tree as it were). I want nothing less than a relationship like he had with Enoch. What made this difficult, is the dream-breaking realization that I could be Ruth-one who is guided by God, lived righteously, but never heard God. When I told myself I would have to just be fine with being Ruth, my heart died. I cannot explain it to you, but when I accepted being Ruth, the depression reared it's ugly head. Everything inside of me rebelled with NO!!!!! NEVER!!!!, but like a good little follower, I believed I just need to except my lot....but the rebellion and the pain did not diminish. It got worse. Every devotional, it got worse, more desperate. Then Pastor Peggy gave me permission, which is what I really needed. In short, she told me it was ok to want it, to ask for it. The burden that lifted was incredible, the pain didn't leave, was just different. My heart and it's desires began to beat again within me. I kept pursuing God, knowing that he may not answer me, but that I still wanted to be near Him, and that I was allowed to be demanding, needy, selfish. This is what I wanted: I wanted Him. And if he never talked to me again, I would sit at his door step waiting, because I was allowed. I wasn't bugging Him, I wasn't making Him angry, I wasn't demanding too much. I am His Daughter, and I'm calling Him to fulfill the promises that He made to me.
And He spoke to me...for the first a loooong time. He asked me a question, as He usually does with me. "Emilie, what if I never satisfy that desire {to see me}. What if you're always to look forward to heaven?"....and then it really sank into my heart as he said "Emilie, in heaven, you will see me!!!!" And I freaked out. I will see Him in heaven! I will have everything I want, I will be able to just BE with Him. It was a promise. And he explained to me, how powerful that kind of person was-the person who REALLY had no ties to earth. There there was NOTHING here that could tempt them because in Heaven, they would get to see God. I had heard this spoken, but this is when it sank in: the difference between heaven and earth and that there really is nothing here.
But one day I'll see Him. It's still going to be painful here, never fulfilled, always hungry. We went to a worship night yesterday at CFNI (amazing). It was impactful, but it was as if I was eating eating eating, but when I left, none of it came with me, I was still hungry. He did not speak to me in the service, although I am always aware of his presence (which can be frustrating). But it was glorious, wonderful. To worship the God of all creation. And even if He never speaks to me here again. One day, I will see Him. That sustains me. That is the joy I look forward to. That is the good news I spread.

This Week:
I don't trust God.
I am re-learning His Character.

Yes, evidently it is possible to follow God and not really trust Him. I can say, with sorrow mixed with honesty, that I do not trust God. But I can say, with hope, that this will change as He restores me.
I wrote, aptly, a few years ago, a story of "The Arm and the Saw." It's a story of trust. It was an autobiography, but I hadn't gotten to the end. This is the part of the story where the Master must reassure the one that He hurt that the Master is still Good. God is re-teaching me who He is, that where He leads me IS truly Good, because where He led me before left me doubting.
These are my chapel notes and comments. My comments are in italics
"Faith"-deliberate confidence in the character of God, who's ways you may not understand at the time
How can you trust in a character you don't know?
In the ups and downs, you can believe that God is leading you, you can trust his character, and his heart for you.
You must have relationship
When you are walking with God, you are not responsible for the obstacles in your life-God is.
My problem: He led me deliberately into pain, sorrow, and brokenness.
He wanted me to go there.
Now: I'm trying to figure out what that means.
The question that is begged: Can I trust God? Who is God? Is he trustworthy?
(this answer must be proven by action, as words have become weightless)
Trust is built on Truth-Malachai 3:6
Relationship enables trust Ps. 9:10 (but you might have to build it back up)
(Illustration with a dog)
Trust "My Master would never do anything to me that would harm me"
However, when the Master takes the dog to the Vet, the dog may feel betrayed. It hurt...
it takes time for the relationship to be rebuilt
Understanding comes from Truth and Relationship
Lyrics "When you don't know the plan, when you cant feel his hand, when you don't understand,
I am relearning His heart so that I may trust Him again.

When it comes to trusting God, he could have tried to break me with money, with illness-that
may suck- but He destroyed me in the place where it would hurt the most-where
I would NEED to trust Him the most.
And so, being broken down, made to suffer this for a while, God, the God of all creation,
is faithful to restore and mend me.
He has promised, "As if it had never happened"
Sometimes, what hurts us the most, is what we needed the most to be healthy.
He is faithful to complete this work that He started.
I will wait on the Lord, who is worthy of praise. He is good to those that seek Him.
He will not cast off forever those He has caused to suffer. (Note: HE HAS CAUSED to suffer).
His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.
Lord, it has cost me so much. But Lord, after all is said and done, may you hear me say...
You know what those words have cost me. And I mean them.

This week:
We Win. Our side wins. The devil, evil, this world, loses.
There is nothing to fear or worry about.
God is in control. We win. WE WIN!! It sank in, for the first time. My life will be hard,
but there is no offense from Hell that can beat me. We are victorious.
It was during the Song, "With Everything" by Hillsong (it was mixed with another song when
CFNI used it), but it was during this song that it really hit me.
"So let hope rise and darkness tremble in Your holy light"...And I envisioned what that looked
like. That darkness cannot stand, for as ugly and fierce as it is, it TREMBLES when God comes.
"It is amazing, that the darkness that scares you down to the core, MUST flee before a God
that I don't feel"
Incredible. Then I pictured Kurt, in Set Me Free. When he finally comes forth, and he takes
down his hood on that beautiful beat, and all the demons cringe and cry out.
They're toast. And they know it. The Devil is a lion without teeth.
We Win. There fore With Everything, we shout your praise.

So, it's been an eventful few weeks....years....22.
I have a long way to go, but I feel it coming back.